Short Seaplane Flight over Dale Hollow Lake
Having fun with a seaplane flight over Dale Hollow Lake.
Having fun with a seaplane flight over Dale Hollow Lake.
Seaplane Rides at Rock The Boat Raft Up Shark Aviation will be providing seaplane ride using your Cessna A185F seaplane, nicknamed “the shark“. The seaplane rides will be given during the 3d Annual Rock The Boat Raft Up that is hosted by Smugglers Cove Marina. We hope that you come out have some fun. When: […]
As we use an amphibious Cessna A185F for our seaplane training, we have a lot of options for training locations. We recently when to the Land Between the Lakes (LBL) area to conduct seaplane training. We based the seaplane out of Kyle-Oakley Field Airport (KCEY) during the training.
Guide to Seaplane Flying Guide to Seaplane Flying is a flight training handbook for aspiring seaplane pilots. The guide provides detailed explanation of seaplane concepts along with illustrations and study questions. This guide is a great companion to the Federal Aviation Administration’s Seaplane, Skiplane, and Float/Ski Equipped Helicopter Operations Handbook. Guide to Seaplane Flying covers […]
Starting in April, Shark Aviation will be providing seaplane tours of Lake Cumberland, Kentucky. The seaplane tours will depart from the Lake Cumberland Regional Airport. The tours are approximately 30 minutes in length and include a landing on the water. The tours are conducted on the weekends from April through October. Shark Aviation maintains an […]
Airworthiness Standards for Seaplanes The airworthiness standards for seaplanes have been updated. Instead of multiple regulations for specific float characteristics, the regulations have been refined to have fewer specific requirements and are now more general in nature. Although there remains a requirement for having at least eighty percent excess float displacement, the other requirements have […]
The EDO corporation was developed amphibious floats for the C-47 cargo plane in the 1940s. These floats were gigantic. Reportedly, 32 sets of floats were developed for the C47. However, only two sets of floats appears to have been installed on C47.
The Blackburn Shark was a seaplane used in World War II as a torpedo-spotter reconnaissance aircraft. The Shark was built by Blackburn Aircraft in England. There were several versions built, including a seaplane. Below are some key facts about the seaplane version.
Our Cessna 185 amphibious seaplane is expected to be delivered in June 2017. Once the plane is received, we should commence with our flight tours and training.